The painting of lichen on a bench has continued through two more stages.In the first I added heavy body white to start making the forms more 3-dimensional.Notice also some cadmium red and a blue made by mixing cerulean with ultramarine purple.

More of these stages were added along with more purple and some thinner white edges to get crispness of the layers of lichen. I will keep on with this. The subject is full of energy.

The other project is to possibly add transparent forms to the large apocalyptic painting. II mentioned in my last post the problems in doing this with paint that is too opaque.
I found 3 bottles of acrylic ink, in three primary colours, that I bought some years ago but have never really used. So I have been experimenting on an old (bad) landscape, blocking off areas with masking tape and applying the ink as a wash.

There may be some scope in this way of working. It is possible to draw rectangles or perspective angles quickly with tape.

Both subjects are ongoing...........
Great painting of lichen.
Also like the transparency of the ink.