The recent painting is finished. The shades of grey used were thought about a lot. They give structure whilst allowing the warm interior shapes to glow.

Perhaps the title could be “Half life”, with hints of contained energy or radiation. ?
On a different tack I have been looking at the paintings I did 20+ years ago based on life in India. I visited many times in support of the Institute for Indian Mother and Child. I took many photos and did paintings back home. A few photos were used many times. Paintings were usually combinations of different photos.
The background used in all the following was of a tribal village called Kheadah. The houses were simple structures with walls that looked a bit like chess boards made of woven leaves.

In the first painting the woman was from quite a different village.
In the next, the women and pond came from photos taken in Calcutta.

The next was larger, the pond invented and the figures found in two other photos.

The following was an unfinished sketch done in a painting demonstration.

And again, in a pastel demonstration.

There are others where I used the same background. Perhaps I liked it, or was it lack of imagination.........
That use of grey is really effective - and so much warmth is conveyed from the centre.
I'm still learning to use grey.
Your Indian paintings are so lovely and you have a real gift for capturing the feelings of the people you paint.
I'm stuck at the moment. Just looking at the empty canvas!