A consequence of this restricted lifestyle is the contemplation of things done in the past. What was any good? What might I do differently? (I refer to art work, not life in general). Last autumn, responding to gloomy predictions about the world climate, I did a couple of large canvases. This one was the biggest (128cm tall)-

I have not been pleased with it and am wondering whether or not to make changes.To experiment I put the image onto Photoscape four times, two of them reversed-

This does lead to some strange symmetry, hints of faces. I used the clone brush to move bits around.

I then went back to a single image, selected various rectangles and filled them with colours found in the painting in various levels of transparency. There is much more experimenting to do.

Thinking of the collage I put in my last post, I found these old sketches that show reference to things happening in the spaces between city buildings.

Here are more old “concept” sketches.

And more-

And more-

And more-

Lots to do. I add here two photos of my other ongoing creative work

And with an eye to self sufficiency-

Never knew you could do that with Photoscape. So imaginative. Am now overpainting my wooden panels. Probably not improving them though. Never mind.