Firstly, one variation of the thoughts I was having in the last blog. Circles rather than rectangles.I want to explore what acrylic paints are truly transparent so that I can do something similar with paint.

I did the next about two years ago. A large still life that I superimposed with areas of colour. Some colours were too opaque for this to work easily without a lot of repainting.

It was suggested to me that I photograph lichen on a bench. I did this with a view to enhancing the colour on the software.

I zoomed in on the most in-focus area of the photo-

Then I increased the colour saturation.

I started a painting using thin cerulean blue

I then looked for the darker areas with ultramarine purple

More of both colours were added. This is observed painting, though so far it seems very abstract. There is a swirling liquid quality in these forms.

The next stage will be searching for the white areas using heavy body white. You may have to wait till next time.
I've tried with faded frescos - but my paintings are never as beautiful as the original objects. It is really frustrating. Wish I knew how to do it. Given up trying now and just enjoying the details of the photos.