The lichen picture has been continued, changing the paint on the brush from purple to blue to white, Trying to judge how far to take the detail.

I keep changing the angle of the picture so as to keep a sense of unity and to see shapes differently.This is my latest stage and I prefer it this way up. It behaves more like a landscape with a hint of a horizon. I must be careful not to do too much more.

I have started adding shapes to the large painting from last year. To get the transparent effect without making the paint too wet I have added a few drops of acrylic ink to a large amount of acrylic medium and a little water.

More shapes-

The medium slows down the drying, so I am leaving time gaps between doing the shapes. I want them all to consist of verticals and lines. I don't know what the painting is about but I am using it to experiment on.

The detail of the lichen is really effective.