The invented structure made of cardboard has been covered with strips of tissue paper, yellow, pink, orange and pale mauve with a little white in the middle. It has been glued to a battened hardboard base and given 2 coats of Polyvine acrylic varnish.

Last night I found a use for all my heavy art books- to weigh down the structure as the glue dried.

I have also been doing a few rapid invented drawings in charcoal.

Vaguely influenced by looking at a lot of Van Gogh drawings. Starting with an angular

tree. Each of these drawings took less than 20 minutes.

The above is also influenced by my homegrown parsnips.

Van Gogh would not have approved as he preferred observation to invention.
So much energy, Tony. Powerful stuff!
I see "The Waking Dream" being used as a prop. Perhaps it was also inspiration? Some of your stuff is weirdly scary.